Is There Such Thing As Failure?

What is failure? Is it a poor grade on a test? A relationship that is no more? How about a job that let you go?

We as a society have such a toxic view of what are successes and what are failures. When we make a mistake, we automatically view it as a failure, which causes us to look right over all that could have been learned there. If there is a mistake made, that means something wasn’t done right. If something wasn’t done right, it means we have room to grow. Yet, while just accepting a mistake as a “failure,” we disregard the lesson that came with that mistake. For example, when I was driving to St. Louis from Chicago the other day, I was merging to the right lane from the left lane, but little did I know, there was a car passing by me on the right side in my blind spot. We were so close to being in an accident, and thankfully, we were not, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t make a mistake. I should have looked in all of my mirrors and then in my back right blind spot before merging. Fortunately, I didn’t have to be in an accident to learn this lesson, but I did have to make a mistake! Without making this mistake, I wouldn’t have learned that lesson in the harsh way I did. But the only reason this lesson was able to resonate with me is because I didn’t beat myself up over making a mistake. Rather, I evaluated the situation and realized what I did wrong. 

But let’s address the reality here. Acknowledging that we made a mistake isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it is extremely important. Without acknowledging these mistakes, we will continue to make them, and the repercussions will just get more and more severe. It is the world’s way of speaking to you. 

Now next time you are beating yourself up over a mistake, take a step back and see what can be learned from it. We are humans. We make mistakes, and that’s okay! Just as long as you learn from them. We are on this earth to grow and become better versions of ourselves. Never forget that. 

If you all have any questions, stories, or comments you’d like to share, I would love to hear from y’all! I hope this read took a bit of the weight off your shoulders and allowed you to breathe a little easier and sleep a little better!



Write Down Your Goals

It is weird how real things get when we make them tangible. It is one thing to think up ideas and discuss what must be done to make them a reality, but it’s a whole new ball game when you see them written on a goal list. 

When you see your goals written in your handwriting day in and day out, it eats at you. You see them and you think. You analyze. You start thinking tangibly. You see yourself accomplishing those goals. They truly start to manifest themselves. They’re so close you can fucking taste them. 

When you put that energy out in the world, it sends it back. When the world senses that determination, it begins to part and show you your path. That doesn’t mean you won’t have to chop down some brush along the way, and then take a blind leap of faith, but the world offers you a cloud upon which you land. Everything slows down and you start thinking at that rate. That discomfort starts to feel a little more doable. Now when you look into the eyes of discomfort, you put your head down and charge forward. And the world sees this. The world feels this. Those around you feel this. Your goals know they’re in your sights. You’re onto them. 

But only because you wrote them down and allowed them to sail out into the world. 



Stop Doing the Easy Work

We all have dreams and ambitions, and we all want to feel like we are working towards those. Yet, there comes a time when we really need to evaluate the steps we are taking towards these dreams. We can literally work towards these goals everyday, but never get anywhere. And I know I’m not the only one who has felt like this. Why is it that we can constantly work, yet make no real progress?

It is because we do the easy stuff. We tackle the easy little goals that are literally jus  there to make us feel like we are being productive. If you find yourself skating through a task, 9 times out of 10, it’s too easy and not actual beneficial. If there is a task at hand that is driving you fucking insane, and really forcing you to think, that’s when you are really asking yourself the ugly questions that result in progress. 

Now don’t get me wrong, they’re miserable, but when you find out the answer to them, you’ll know so much more about your task at hand. 

For example, when it comes to business, asking yourself the financial questions and getting all of your expenditures perfect is one of the most beneficial things you can do for a business, but it is also some of the most brutal work. 

We must ask ourselves these ugly questions in any aspect of life if we truly want to grow and progress. Next time you are feeling stagnant, take a step back and this about what you could possibly be doing to progress. The things that scare you and make you uncomfortable are where you should focus. And believe me…you will start to see serious progress. 

Now let’s go out and get uncomfortable!

…maybe not the most motivational thing I’ve ever said, but you get what I’m saying haha

I hope y’all enjoyed this read, and it allows you to truly pursue something worth while!



Are We Really That Valuable?

Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are constantly settling when it comes to our self worth. Especially when it comes to our careers and how much money we make. Or for that matter, what the hell sort of job we even accept. 

I constantly hear people with corporate jobs talk about where the “opportunity” is, but all I hear is a bunch of settling. Over the last couple years, I’ve heard so many people discuss the tech boom and that being where the money is, knowing damn well that these people could care less about technology. 

It just brings everything that bothers me about today’s business climate to the forefront. People doing something that makes them miserable just to make a check. Yet, they devote so much time to the job that they never even get to utilize that money.

Now look, I understand that sacrifices must be made, but I’ve seen it an unbelievable amount of times. People do these jobs they hate, with intention of only being there for a second, saving some money, then “doing what they love,” but we become so damn complacent and comfortable that, next thing we know, we have been there for 20 years and we are worried because the company is “downsizing.” Leaving us without a damn thing. 

These companies want to pay you as little as they possibly can for you to be “happy” and your most productive self for the amount they’re paying you. But if they’re willing to pay you that, how much are you really worth?

I can’t stress enough to know you’re worth. Know how much your time and energy are worth. Life starts changing once you unapologetically embrace your value. There is no more getting pushed around. Go out in the world and get what’s yours, and have some fun while you’re doing it. 

And of course, you’ll say “Grant, that’s easier said than done!” But look at me…I went from being broke as could possibly be last year to getting to see the whole country this year while getting paid for it…and that all started when i realized my worth…
